About us

a smart home installation company, we offer a range of services from installation to consulting. We specialise in smart home technology which helps people live a more fulfilling and independent life.


Founded in 2018, Dwellink’s name was formed by the two words dwelling and link, it is our hope to link everything in the home together to make it a better place to live in.

Originally started as a university project, the founder Alex Man decided that it can be much more than something that will get him grades and once submitted, forgotten.

Being visually impaired himself, he loved technology, and after getting his first home, fell in love in home automation; where he will find new ways to transform his home into a smart one.

From this knowledge in tinkering with different products, he wanted to help others who like him has a disability or even those who just want to make their lives simpler.

After approaching others on this idea he realised that a few people were interested in the business idea including cofounder…

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